📍 새로운 학습 프레임워크
📚 Growth is a natural byproduct of acting on curiosity and inspiration.
1. Identify & Establish
- 백지에 내가 아는 모든 것을 빠르게 적어보기
- 내가 아는 것을 작성하려면, 내가 무엇을 모르는지 파악하고 그 갭을 줄여야함
Paradoxically, starting by writing what you do know is the best way to highlight what you don't know.
This first action highlights the gaps in your knowledge and understanding of the topic.
2. Research
- Horizontal Resarch(넓이)로 시작해서, Vertical Research(깊이)로 진행
- Horizontal Resarch : 주제와 관련된 정보를 (스크린샷 또는 링크 추가) 넓게 찾아보기
- Vertical Research : 다양한 방법 (레딧,트위터,뉴스레터,팟캐스트,전문가 네트워크, 책) 이용
Note the underlying sources that provided the horizontal information (i.e. look at the Wikipedia footnotes), which will come in handy as guideposts to focus your journey when you go vertical.
3. Skin in the Game
- 이론적인 방법이 아닌, ‘피부'로 체감하기
The best way to accelerate your learning curve, put some skin in the game.
4. Engage Community
- 권위자와 대화하기 & 러닝서클과 토론하기
They will ask questions that expose holes in your knowledge and point out opinions that will force you to think more deeply.
5. Teach
- 학습하고 싶다면 가르칠 것. 파인만 기법 이용하기
If you can't explain it to a 5-year-old, you probably don't understand it well enough (yet).
6. Reflect & Review
- 노트 테이킹 스페이스를 리뷰하고, 다시 줌아웃 해서 갭을 확인하고 반영하는 절차를 반복하기
Reflect on the gaps in your knowledge that were exposed through the process
📌 출처 : https://sahilbloom.substack.com/p/the-new-way-to-learn